Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Cathedral of Time

Cathedral Grove
After a long and wonderful day travelling in Vancouver Island sunshine (rain) we both were so tired, we succumbed to take out food and a cozy bed in our B & B on the Pacific Ocean in Tofino. 

Flowers of the West Coast

Bob and I departed from Naniamo shortly after breakfast; drove down the parkway to "Jingle Pot" road.  A curious name.  I will leave this one be!  HaHa
We travelled through narrow winding roads. Up, down and over mountains on Vancouver Island as we visited many natural and wonderous landmarks.

Our highlight of the day....Cathedral Grove: This area was given to the province by the H.R. MacMillan Export Co. in 1944 as a way to preserve an incredible stand of trees.
Douglas Fir
We strolled through trails of majestic Red Cedars & Douglas Fir trees, some over 800 years old standing straight and tall reaching and touching the sky.  One reaching 9 meters in circumference.
Feeling like an Ewok from Star Wars

The lush greenery, created by the high moisture and sub tropic climate accelerates your senses.   A drastic contrast from Terrace Bay, Ontario, where you still can find snow and frozen grounds. 
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A tropical forest
And, yes, Star Wars (the location used for filming the Ewoks) was done here in Catheral Grove.

 Despite the quaint shops, cafes and heritage site, All the worries of the day just vanished into the trees.

The sights, the sounds and the smells of the outdoors soothed my senses.  

There is something inexplicable and magical that draws us humans back to nature. We feel the beauty within the trees, mountains and salted ocean breeze.  'We are at home in the forest".  It's in our blood and souls....a comfort within.

A fallen tree:  These are the roots reaching 20 feet in height

Then; a true contrast, we visited "The Country Market"  Famous for the Billy Goats on the grass roof.  Yes, for just a few blades of grass, these four legged bearded critters are an economical way to advertise.  Now, this was worth the stop.  Boutiques, fresh breads, gourmet foods and unusual items in this grass hut!

"The Country Market"

Billy Goat Gruff!   Baa Baa

Billy Goat Gruff

Along the B.C. Highway, we approach a humbling sign:  "Tsunami: evacuation route"  Totally ignorant of the fact.  Thinking it would never happen.  Especially in Canada.  Not so!  A fault line runs along the coast to California. 


We arrived in Tofino in the mid late afternoon.   Had a quick drive through the village and Checked in to "The Harvey House, where Nicky met us at the door.  What a delightful woman.  Nicky escorted us up to our room with maps, things to do and see during our stay.  With a wall of windows, we over look the forest and across the road from Chestermann's Beach/Clayoquot Sound on the Pacific  Ocean.        Delightful.
  P.S.   "Happy Anniversary to my husband and best friend, Bob.  I love you.....


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