Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Eagles, & Trees & Snow, OH My!

Marathon, Lake Superior 8 am 
Sun rise,Terrace Bay
Did you know the sun does not rise in Marathon until 8:45 am?  We left Wawa @ 5 am and we were still driving in the dark until 8:45 and -6 degrees. When the sun finally did rise, we were greeted with an amazing view of Lake Superior.  It is still just as beautiful and magical as the summer months. Our country is so very beautiful and we are all blessed to have clean air and such a vast land and resources at our doorstep.  Well, almost.  We have a very large doorstep, and watch that first step!  We were concerned about driving in the dark with the risk of not just seeing, but colliding with a moose.  We came close to a Bald Eagle instead as he was trying to catch a rabbit in the ditch as we were driving by. 
Yes, we have snow.. and lots of it.  Maybe 6 - 8 inches.  With all the pine and birch trees surrounding us, it feels "a little bit like Christmas" 
Self explanitory.
As for radio stations,  the CBC is not one of our favorites.  You can only listen to the local birthday announcements and the missing dog report so many times.  Carry on driving and searching for a radio station.  No such luck!
We are now in Central Time Zone and passed the Artic Watershed.
 Feels like.....well, cold and artic,  a dry cold as the locals say.  Remember, "Your in the real north now!"
 Once we passed Thunder Bay the land flattens out, but still surrounded by snow covered pine trees.  We headed towards Dryden and the Lake of the Woods region.  How beautiful!  Hundreds of lakes and rolling hills.  Much like Algonquin, except for the thousands of people running with cameras stopping in the middle of the highway.  Yes, the traffic up here in the real north so busy....So many vehicles!  We must have passed at least 3 trucks along Highway #17 from Thunder Bay to Dryden.  Love cruise control.  Bob and I have been sharing the driving.  Too bad we can't also share the knitting.  Just think about it; I could knit one leg warmer and Bob could knit the other!!  (some how, it don't think that will happen) 
  We arrived in Kenora one hour early.  (blame it on Central time Zone)  We get an extra hour sleep!!! Yea!!!!!! So, we are eating in our hotel room tonite. (they have a microwave and we have food) We are already getting tired of eating by default.
Tomorrow.. two hours to Winnipeg, Manitoba and the Praires.  The big camera will be in the front seat tomorrow with my wide angle lens.   As for now, a cold beer and a hot shower......

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