OK: I'm late by a day. We disconnected the computer yesterday. Between taking photos with Santa on Saturday, which, by the way was a great morning, editing, developing and completing the cards with envelopes as well as cooking Christmas dinner for our family, wrapping presents, cleaning the house, laundry and trying to pack....good luck. Thank goodness Bob went to the Beer store!!
Back to Sunday. Packing. First we defrosted the freezer. Can't say any more, but I was awake at 4 am with some one (no names) emptying the ice from the freezer into the laundry tubs. So, on with packing. Only 6 hours and more creative packing. Yes, I did manage to get all my wool packed indiscretely among the clothing. No, I did not pack the wool in the cooler. We saved that for beer, which, by the way I am presently on my second very cold one and very delicious beer before dinner. I will send a photo of the car...packed, and packed may I say very well. Thank you Bob. The dishes are done, the vegetable oil has been poured down the drains. Sounds disgusting!!! I acutually keeps the sewer gas from smelling up the house when you are away for extended periods of time. Now time for bed. Can't sleep. What did I forget? I don't remember. I think I have "sometimers". We woke up at 4 am and we were driving by 5 am. Yes, we made it to Wawa, the land of the Big Dumb Bird. Drivng was smooth sailing all the way. We are very fortunate we did not run into any traffic. Actually, there was no traffic. I mean absolutely nothing except the odd trucker. I thing we are the only crazy people travelling this far north this time of year, except for the Ford Escape with the Cindora plate (Caledonia dealership) that kept passing us all day. To my surprise, it is very beautiful with the browns and bald trees and the ice exploding from the rocks. Lake Superior is still amazing, Yes, we have snow and ice. The small lakes and ponds are snow covered.
Tomorrow, we will do another 12 hour day and hope to arrive in.... not sure as I've just been told. Most likely still in Ontario. Well, I'm done my beer and it's time for dinner, shower and bed time. (all in that order) The journey continues................
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